But squishy heroes like the cultist or rogue are very vulnerable until then, and if you lose all your tanks, the end-boss is almost impossible to beat. I personally find the initial couple of waves (minotaurs & gorgons) are the real killers- once your heroes have some potions and blacksmith upgrades under their belt, they tend to be okay. again, the cheesy approach is to turn the game-speed way way down and just watch your heroes like a hawk for any sign of trouble, then flag whatever's bothering them ASAP. I've only tried ballista towers once, but they seemed reasonably effective? It might be helpful to establish an outpost for extra peasants and a trading post, but the spires tend to come atcha from all angles, so it's hard to find a quiet corner of the map. What I'll typically try doing is building a sorc's abode next my warriors' guild/fairgrounds, and teleport my troops on top of the last spire after sending parties after the others. are a major pain, so your best bet is to raze all the spires as close to simultaneously as possible. The trouble with recruiting a tonne of anything on Spires of Death is that incoming enemy forces are scaled to match the strength of your heroes, and I'm not sure wizards are optimal given all the vampires around. * This one has always been a slog for me, though MMMMM on the old forums reported beating the quest fairly easily by only retaining a handful of very well-trained, well-equipped heroes, and using careful timing to tackle the spires simultaneously.

The final two quests are Vigil for a Fallen Hero, which takes away all recruitment and sovereign spells and as such relies significantly on luck, and Spires of Death, which has regenerating lightning-proof lairs that shoot yetis and fireballs at you*.

Not many have persevered sufficiently to beat this quest With Honour Intact, so. And even that can be quite tricky to pull off. (If you're very very lucky, you can get your heroes to almost-but-not-quite destroy a couple of the barrows first, just to cut down on expenses.) The easiest peasiest cheesiest way to beat Legendary Heroes is to get just enough heroes to defend your central base, 3 marketplaces and a trading post or two, then use farseeing, build wizard towers out toward the barrows and lightning-bolt them into oblivion all at the same time.