Colt agent 38 special value
Colt agent 38 special value

colt agent 38 special value

Here was a very nice classic Colt Agent with most of the finish intact. He met me at the Sheriff’s Office and handed it over and I was floored. Then a new acquaintance offered me a sight-unseen unknown Colt revolver for a great price, and I jumped on the opportunity.

colt agent 38 special value

This had me looking for something even more jacket pocket friendly to carry, if and when the opportunity knocked. It quickly got a Tyler T grip and a replacement hammer with the spur bobbed to make it a bit easier on the draw. 38 special Smith & Wesson Model 60 with very little wear (none from firing) for a more than fair price. Grant Cunningham’s Protect Yourself with Your Snub Nosed Revolver, Ed Lovette’s The Snubby Revolver, and Michael DeBethencourt’s pamphlet Thirty Eight Straight Tips for Better Snub Shooting all could be considered required reading for the new snub owner or anyone seeking information on the subject. If you are going to run a snub, get some training and get some information. While not overly abundant, they are at least more available than other categories of handguns of similar age. These are the sock-drawer guns, carried-lots shot-little guns, carried-little shot-once guns, and even the never-carried left-in-the-box-of-the-top-dresser-drawer-with-the-receipt guns.

colt agent 38 special value

Snubs were often bought as the “have a gun” type of guns. There are a large number of perfectly serviceable ones out there, some of which are in like-new snubs.

colt agent 38 special value

Those hundreds of thousands in circulation also make for an interesting market, because if there is anything a gun guy (or gal) likes, it’s a deal. Especially so, considering that Smith & Wesson, Colt, Kimber, Ruger, Charter Arms, and Taurus are all producing a variety of new guns to add to the hundreds of thousands still in circulation. Highly concealable, easy to operate, extremely reliable, robust, and functional in adverse operational conditions, snub nose revolvers have a staying power in the market. Possibly the most relevant type of revolver in today’s conversation would be the snub. Those arguments against revolvers are nothing new, having roots as deep or deeper as the introduction of the 1911 as the standard sidearm for the United States Armed Forces. I’ll have to admit I fell prey to the arguments against them for years and slowly came around to both their effectiveness and their charms. One of the repeated arguments in gun circles lately has been the viability of revolvers as effective defensive weapons in the modern days of a variety of automatics.

Colt agent 38 special value